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Women in Buy-side Trading Campaign
Championed by K&K Global Consulting (K&KGC)


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Young Businesswomen

Only 10% of these 900 traders are women 

The Buy-side Trading Community by K&KGC have a global network of members with over 900 senior, heads and global heads of trading from asset management and hedge fund firms across Europe, Asia and the U.S.

The Buy-side Trading Community are in a unique position to be able to:

Highlight and provide a forum to address this key issue

Help make a change and encourage more women to join the buy-side trading community





Work with the IA and AFME to lobby the Stock Exchanges

Encourage the Stock Exchanges to consult with their members on the topic 'Shorter Market hours'



Build a mentor/mentee

programme for female

traders globally

Ask senior female traders to share their experiences in a programme called 'diversity of thought' 

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K&KGC Research

The opinion of 129 buy-side heads of trading on  cultivating greater  buy-side gender diversity

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Eden Simmer

A preparatory mindset-responding and adapting to change


K&KGC Research

A buy-side head trader's perspective

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Emma Quinn

Diversity of thought drives better team collaboration, decision making and responding to our client’s needs

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K&KGC Research

Champion women to apply for buy-side trading jobs

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Anita Karppi

Why we Champion Buy-side Traders

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Andy Maack

Spearheading the evolution of FX trading and making investment management a more inclusive and diverse workplace

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Danièle Chekroun

Women adding value  in the world of finance

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Jenny Bloomfield

Make yourself the very best you can be




Anita Karppi celebrated as one of the thirty Inspirational Women: City leaders 2019 by Brummell Magazine

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Financial Services – senior jobs are still mostly for the boys

Diversity and inclusion strtegy
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Sign up 

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Our powerful launch press release generated hits from

156 international media

companies through online and social media platforms reaching a potential audience of 91,592,618 readers including:

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